You can make one of Baldur’s Gate 3’s hardest fights easier on yourself—without sacrificing one of the game’s best cutscenes and an award-winning performance-

I’m getting close to wrapping up my Baldur’s Gate 3 honour mode playthrough—all I’ve got to do is not beef it on the last couple of deadly fights and I’m there. In the interest of survival, I’ve been skipping a couple of key story beats. 

I have a cosy setup that works, and I can’t be bothered to wrangle Larian’s fiddly inventory system to make carbon copies of my party members on other companion NPCs. But rounding out Act 3’s final few fights, I hesitated—I really wanted to see Astarion’s quest line through a second time. Spoilers for Act 3 and Astarion’s story quests to follow.

Cazador is a bastard. And I don’t just mean that in terms of how awful of a presence he is in Astarion’s life—his boss fight…